Kamis, 12 April 2018

MIDEX _ Blockchain-based Financial platform with Licensed Exchange approved by Bank and Swiss Lawyers

Midex is a Blockchain-based Financial platform with Licensed Exchange approved by Bank and Swiss Lawyers. Midex is the first international financial platform, incorporating modern banking technology, internet opportunities, large data, blockchain technology, following world-class security and comfort standards. There is no analogue in the world.

Why Choose Midex?

Up to 20% of COMMISSION revenue can be distributed to the token holders in the future. The token midex token contains 20% of daily commissions from exchange operations and other services. These funds are distributed among token holders according to the stakes. Nothing can be interpreted as an investment quotation of any kind. This MDX Token quote is not an offer to sell or buy securities in any jurisdictional area. This document does not offer the purchase of MDX Tokens to individuals and companies that do not have the legal capacity to participate in tokenen.

Get a custom internal Midex function with MDX token

Increase your cash withdrawals or transaction limits and earn manual cash rebates. Be a special part of Midex! You may be privileged to redeem your token into a stock in the future.

Midex distributes part of Midex's commissions on exchange operations and other services each day among contributors in proportion to their share. To calculate the estimated revenue from a Midex token simply drag it into the frame of your token amount and select the exchange sample with the desired trading volume. We will pay bonuses like that. And that's legal. We strictly obey all rules and regulations. All information about Tokensale features that you can find in our Terms and Conditions.

How to do it?

Midex's private block performs all transactions to the Midex public blockade and issues a hash of this transaction where the user can check the status of operations through the web interface and know details about the sender, recipient, date and thus confirm any operation.

Sales of Midex Coins

Midex, with ten coins, is currently on sale in an active country. January 15, 2018 - February 15, 2018 the initial sales process will continue to be active. Then the main stage of sales and will be April 15 will last until 2018 is not planned. In the amount of 75,000,000 pieces to be produced on their MDX coins, and 85% of partial sales during the IPO will be. 5% - three, and the rest from the Midex team, and our advisory awards in the campaign will be distributed.

Midex Prize Campaign

Our team is also successful in a generous team. Coins in our sales, all revenue accrued over this 5% - prizes allocated to the campaign. A total of 3.75 million pieces of Midex coins will be distributed. All awarded, the first coin sale will be paid after the end. The coin sales program will last until the end.

Midex Team

Many years of experience with our team of experienced and enterprising success of our project, not hard to catch at all. Our staff and our consultants provide detailed information on careers to reach our site you can take advantage of.


ETH: 0x09b2c81431aDF5Afcc7bf85839dc24Caa6Cb4033

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